This is three-spoon technique might be something to try if your little one refuses to give back their spoon after they've eaten from it...
Day 8 of BLW...
We both had porridge for breakfast this morning made with porridge oats and milk - Joshua had mashed banana added to his, mine was topped with berries.
I made the porridge slightly thicker than usual so that it would stick to the spoon, but not so thick that it would be stodgy (I then added a little more milk to mine to loosen it up).
I filled up Joshua's spoon with porridge and handed it to him so that he could feed himself. After he had finished the first loaded spoon he just carried on sucking it and refused to give it back, so I loaded a second spoon, and once he had finished that he wouldn't give it back either.
It turned into a three spoon operation with him only dropping one when a new loaded spoon was offered. I am interpreting this as meaning that he enjoyed the porridge!!!