I made butternut squash and sage risotto for our (adult) dinner last night so I kept some aside to make risotto cakes for Joshua for dinner today.
We didn't have any low salt stock cubes so I only added a little sprinkling of the powder initially. When the rice was cooked and I'd removed Joshua's portion I then added the rest of the cube to our adult portion.
I made a crispy coating by blitzing up some corn flakes, oats and panko breadcrumbs (to keep the salt content down). Then I rolled balls and sausages of Joshua's portion of the cold risotto into the coating and pan fried them in olive oil (I tried different shapes so see what would work best). The rice cakes were served with roasted courgette and sweet potato fingers.
They were actually really yummy - I may make some for myself with some of our left over risotto - and the clear plate would indicate that Joshua was a fan too!!