I made these cookies on a whim based on the ingredients I had in the house, but they were a massive success and Joshua ate SEVEN in one sitting!! I wouldn’t normally let him eat that many cookies (or biscuits), but as you’ll see from the ingredients they are full of healthy goodness so no restraint was needed! . The ingredients were: - one banana, mashed - porridge oats
- nut butter - desiccated coconut - raisins, soaked in water and drained (optional) To make... simply stir everything together to make a thick moist mix, take spoonfuls of the mix, roll into balls and flatten on a tray.
Bake in the oven at 180’C for 10-15 minutes until starting to brown around the edges, leave to cool slightly before removing and eating! I haven’t provided quantities as it will depend on the size of your banana and the type of flavours you want. I soaked my raisins in hot water for a few minutes first so that they wouldn’t go too dry in the oven, but this is optional. . You could also add extra spices and flavours such as cinnamon, cocoa powder, chocolate chips and other dried fruit. You could omit the coconut or replace the nut butter with honey (not for under ones) or golden syrup. Make them how you fancy, all I know is that Joshua LOVED these!! They also freeze and defrost really well. Enjoy! x